Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Korean Style Fried Tunghoon

2 tbsp oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 onion, peeled and shredded
3 black mushrooms, soaked and shredded
5 crab sticks, shredded
1 stalk spring onion, shredded
150g tunghoon/rain noodles, soaked until soft

3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce
1 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce
1 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
1/8 tsp salt
dash of sesame oil and pepper
200ml water

  1. Heat up oil, saute chopped garlic, onion and black mushrooms until fragrant.
  2. Add in the remaining ingredients, seasoning and stir-fry at high heat until gravy is almost dry. Dish up.
  3. Sprinkle toasted sesame seeds on top and serve hot.

Assorted Mushrooms with Sweet Gourd

1 tbsp oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
150g bai lin gu mushroom, sliced
150g fresh shiitake mushrooms
300g sweet gourd, peeled and cut into pieces

3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce
1/2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce
dash of sesame oil and pepper
100ml water
1/2 tsp corn flour, mixed with 1/2 tbsp water, for thickening

  1. Heat up oil and saute chopped garlic until fragrant. Add in bai lin gu mushrooms, fresh shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry until aromatic.
  2. Add in sweet gourd, seasoning and bring to boil until sweet gourd is soft. Dish up and serve.

Smoothly Egg Bean Curd with Minced Meat

2 tbsp oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
100g minced chicken meat
5 fresh mushrooms, cubed
1 packed fresh pin mushrooms
2 block soft bean curd,
cut into pieces

3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce
1 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce
dash of sesame oil and pepper
100ml water
1 tsp corn flour, mixed with 1 tbsp water, for thickening

  1. Heat up oil and saute chopped garlic until fragrant. Add in minced chicken meat, fresh mushroom, pin mushrooms and stir-fry until aromatic.
  2. Add in bean curd, seasoning and bring to boil for 3 minutes. Thicken with corn flour water.
  3. Add in chopped spring onion and serve.

Steamed Fish Paste in Creamy Egg Oyster Sauce

2 blocks white bean curd, mashed
150g fish paste
2 salted egg whites
1/2 tbsp corn flour
1 tbsp oil

2 tbsp oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
2 salted egg yolks, steamed and mashed
3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce
1 tsp sugar
3 tbsp water
2 tbsp chopped spring onion

  1. Put all ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix well. Steam at high heat for 12 minutes or until cooked.
  2. Heat up oil and saute chopped garlic until fragrant. Add in the remaining gravy ingredients and stir well. Pour over steamed fish patty and serve.

Fish Belly and Bean Curd in Clay Pot

300g garoupa fish fillet, cut into chunks
1 tbsp corn flour
1 cup oil for deep-frying
1 tsp chopped garlic
2 blocks fried bean curd
10 honey peas
10 slices carrot
5 slices ginger

3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce
1/2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce
dash of pepper and sesame oil
1/2 tsp salt
500ml water

  1. Mix garoupa fish fillet with corn flour. Deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown. Dish and drain.
  2. Leave 1 tbsp oil in work and saute garlic and ginger until fragrant. Add in fried bean curd, seasoning.
  3. Add in honey peas, carrots and continue to simmer for 2 minutes. Thicken with corn flour water, add in spring onion and dish up. Serves.

Braised Lamb Cutlet in Oyster Sauce

1 tbsp oil
3 pips garlic, peeled
1 onion, peeled and cut into pieces
2 sprigs coriander leaf, chopped
1 stalk spring onion, chopped
500g lamb chops

4 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce
1 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce
1/2 tbsp sugar
a litre sesame oil
1500ml water

  1. Heat up oil, saute onion, garlic, coriander leaves and spring onion until fragrant. Add in lamb chops and stir-fry until well mixed.
  2. Add in seasoning and bring to boil. Lower the heat and simmer for about 1 1/2 hours until lamb chops are tender and the gravy is thicken. Dish up and serve.

Taiwanese Stewed Seaweed with Mushroom and Chicken Wings

1 tbsp oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
12 cm seaweed, soaked, cleaned,
cut into pieces and secured with toothpick
5 slices ginger
6 black mushrooms, soaked
6 pcs chicken wings

4 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
dash of sesame oil and pepper
500 ml water

  1. Heat up oil, saute chopped garlic and ginger until fragrant. Add in mushrooms and stir-fry until aromatic.
  2. Add in chicken wings, seasoning and bring to boil. Lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Lastly add in seaweed and centime to simmer for another 10 minutes. Dish up and serve.

Pan-fried Oyster Sauce Chicken Fillet

1 pc chicken breast meat, sliced
1 cup oil for deep-frying
1 tbsp shredded ginger
1 tbsp shredded spring onion
1 tbsp shredded red chilli

1/2 tsp salt
dash of sesame oil and pepper
1 tbsp corn flour

3 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp toasted almond flakes
2 tbsp sugar
100 ml water

  1. Mix chicken breast meat with marinade and season for 30 minutes. Deep-fry in hot until golden brown and cooked. Dish and drain.
  2. Leave 1 tbsp oil in work, saute the remaining ingredients until fragrant. Add in seasoning and bring to boil until thick. Add in chicken breast meat and stir well. Dish up, sprinkle sesame seeds on top and serve.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Milk Pie

200 gr flour
125 gr unsalted butter
75 gr fine sugar
1 eggyolk
1 tbsp cold water
dash of salt
2 tbsp custard flour
300ml milk
50 gr sugar

Directions:Mix the flour, sugar, and salt. Put in unsalted butter.
Beat the eggyolk and cold water, stir well.
Roll the batter and shape in circle.
Mix the custard flour, milk, sugar, and rhum. Stir well and boil until thick.
Pour the custard mix over the pie batter and oven.

Pie Susu

Semua turis domestik yang ke Bali pasti tau jajanan satu ini. Kalo pesan pas hari raya sering ditolak-tolak sama yg jual karena udah over ordernya. Nah, jangan kecewa, bisa coba bikin sendiri di rumah.


Bahan untuk pie:
- 200gr tepung terigu
- 125gr mentega putih
- 75gr gula halus
- 1 kuning telur
- 1sdm air es
- garam secukupnya

Bahan untuk custard:
- 2sdm tepung custard
- 300ml susu cair
- 50gr gula pasir
- Rhum secukupnya

Cara membuat:

- Campur tepung terigu, gula halus dan garam sampai rata lalu masukkan mentega putih dengan menggunakan pastry cutter
- Lalu masukkan kuning telur dan air es dan aduk sampai adonan menggumpal.
- Giling adonan dengan cara meletakkannya diantara 2 plastik
- Cetak adonan sesuai selera (normalnya sih berbentuk lingkaran)
- Letakkan diatas loyang yang sudah diolesi dengan mentega
- Campur seluruh bahan custard dan didihkan sampai mengental
- Lalu tuangkan adonan custard di atas adonan pie dan panggang dalam oven sampai matang

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