Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pie Susu 2

Bahan Kulit :
- Tepung terigu protein sedang 225 gram -
- Tepung maizena 3 sdm -
- Gula halus 2 sdm -
- Garam secukupnya -
- Kuning telur 2 butir -
- Mentega 150 gram -

Bahan Isi :
- Telur ayam 1 butir -
- Custard powder 1 sdt -
- Susu kental manis 4 sdm -
- Susu cair 300 ml -
- Garam secukupnya -
- Gula pasir 3 sdm -
- Vanili bubuk 1/2 sdt -

Cara membuat :
1. Campur semua bahan kulit, aduk dengan sendok kayu hingga adonan dapat dibentuk.
2. Siapkan cetakan pie berbentuk bulat tipis, oles dengan margarin. Ratakan odonan di atas cetakan. Kerat dan rapikan tepingya.
3. Isi : Campur susu cair, custard powder dan gula pasir, aduk rata. Rebus dia tas api kecil sambil diaduk hingga mendidih. Angkat dan biarkan uap panasnya hilang. Tambahkan bahan isi lainnya, aduk rata.
4. Tuang adonan do atas cetakan berisi adonan kulit. Atur di atas loyang.
5. Panggang adonan dalam oven bersuhu 150 oC hingga matang selama 60 menit.
6. Angkat dan sajikan.

Untuk 14 buah

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Korean Style Fried Tunghoon

2 tbsp oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 onion, peeled and shredded
3 black mushrooms, soaked and shredded
5 crab sticks, shredded
1 stalk spring onion, shredded
150g tunghoon/rain noodles, soaked until soft

3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce
1 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce
1 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
1/8 tsp salt
dash of sesame oil and pepper
200ml water

  1. Heat up oil, saute chopped garlic, onion and black mushrooms until fragrant.
  2. Add in the remaining ingredients, seasoning and stir-fry at high heat until gravy is almost dry. Dish up.
  3. Sprinkle toasted sesame seeds on top and serve hot.

Assorted Mushrooms with Sweet Gourd

1 tbsp oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
150g bai lin gu mushroom, sliced
150g fresh shiitake mushrooms
300g sweet gourd, peeled and cut into pieces

3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce
1/2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce
dash of sesame oil and pepper
100ml water
1/2 tsp corn flour, mixed with 1/2 tbsp water, for thickening

  1. Heat up oil and saute chopped garlic until fragrant. Add in bai lin gu mushrooms, fresh shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry until aromatic.
  2. Add in sweet gourd, seasoning and bring to boil until sweet gourd is soft. Dish up and serve.

Smoothly Egg Bean Curd with Minced Meat

2 tbsp oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
100g minced chicken meat
5 fresh mushrooms, cubed
1 packed fresh pin mushrooms
2 block soft bean curd,
cut into pieces

3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce
1 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce
dash of sesame oil and pepper
100ml water
1 tsp corn flour, mixed with 1 tbsp water, for thickening

  1. Heat up oil and saute chopped garlic until fragrant. Add in minced chicken meat, fresh mushroom, pin mushrooms and stir-fry until aromatic.
  2. Add in bean curd, seasoning and bring to boil for 3 minutes. Thicken with corn flour water.
  3. Add in chopped spring onion and serve.

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